Electronic Payments

The East African Payments Framework and Landscape (P101-003)


Introduction to the East African Payments Framework and Landscape Online Course

Welcome to the "East African Payments Framework and Landscape" online course! This course is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the vibrant and evolving payments ecosystem in East Africa. Whether you are a financial professional, a technology enthusiast, a regulatory authority, or someone interested in the financial and payments sector, this course offers valuable insights tailored to your needs. We take an in-depth dive into Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Mauritius and Rwanda. 

Course Overview:

East Africa is experiencing a rapid transformation in its financial landscape, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and innovative financial solutions. At the heart of this transformation is the payments framework, which facilitates seamless transactions across diverse markets and communities in the region.

What You Will Learn:

 Payments Infrastructure:

Gain a foundational understanding of the key components that make up East Africa's payments infrastructure, including the roles of banks, non-bank financial institutions, and mobile money operators.

 Regulatory Environment:

Explore the regulatory frameworks governing payments in East Africa, including the mandates of central banks and regional financial bodies.

 Payment Methods:

Delve into the various payment instruments available, such as mobile money, electronic funds transfers (EFT), card payments, and emerging digital currencies.

 Technological Innovations:

Discover how technology is reshaping the payments landscape, with a focus on fintech innovations, mobile banking, and digital financial services.

 Security and Risk Management:

Understand the measures in place to ensure the security of payment systems, including fraud prevention, cybersecurity protocols, and compliance requirements.

 Future Trends:

Get a glimpse into the future of payments in East Africa, with discussions on upcoming trends, potential disruptions, and the impact of global payment developments.

Course Format:

This course is structured into interactive modules, each containing multi media materials. You will have the opportunity to engage with an industry expert, participate in discussion weekly Q&A’s, and test your knowledge through assessments.

Who Should Enrol?

 Financial Professionals:

Enhance your understanding of the payments landscape to better serve your clients and advance your career.

 Tech Enthusiasts:

Explore the intersection of technology and finance and learn how innovations are driving change in the payments sector.

 Regulators and Policymakers:

Gain insights into the regulatory environment and its impact on the payment’s ecosystem.

 General Audience:

Anyone interested in learning about the payments system and its role in the economy.

Join us on this educational journey to demystify the East African payments framework and landscape. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate and contribute to this pivotal sector of the economy. Enrol today and take the first step towards becoming a payments expert in East Africa!

Contact Us:: training@transactconnect.co.za Average Course Durat...: 72 Hours Time for Course Comp...: 30 Days

  • Course Content
  • Introduction
  • Introduction Video
  • Content Modules
  • Payments and Money
  • Monies and Types:
  • Evolution of Payments
  • The History of Payments
  • Summary - Module 1
  • Assessment - Module 1
  • Introduction to the East African Payments Regulation
  • The Laws Governing Domestic Payments
  • The NPS Regulatory Framework
  • Summary - Module 2
  • Assessment - Module 2
  • Module 3 - Private and Public Sector Payment Bodies
  • Private and Public Sector Bodies
  • Central Banks
  • Central Banks Domestic and Regional RTGS
  • Pan African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS)
  • Transactions Cleared on an Immediate Basis (TCIB)
  • Financial Regulation and Policy Insights - Central Bank of Kenya
  • Payment Clearing House (PCH) / Automated Clearing House (ACH)
  • East African Payment / Automated Clearing Houses
  • Payments and Bankers Associations
  • Summary - Module 3
  • Assessment - Module 3 - Private and Public Sector Bodies
  • Module 4 - Payments in the Context of the Economy
  • Payments in Context of Economy
  • Participant and Payment System Provider
  • Summary - Module 4
  • Assessment - Module 4 - Payments in Context of the Economy
  • The National Payments System Role, Oversight and Access
  • Participation in National Payment System
  • Elements of the National Payment System
  • Summary - Module 5
  • Assessment - Module 5 - National Payment System
  • Module 6 - Payment System Networks
  • Payment System Network
  • Clearing vs Settlement
  • Payment System Operators
  • Africa's Platforms and Payment Gateways
  • Payment Gateways
  • Global Payments
  • Summary - Module 6
  • Assessment - Module 6 - Payment System Networks
  • Module 7 - Africa National Payment Systems Snapshot
  • Africa NPS Snapshot - Challenges
  • Africa NPS Snapshot - Initiatives
  • Kenya - NPS Snapshot
  • Ethiopia - NPS Snapshot
  • Malawi - NPS Snapshot
  • Mauritius - NPS Snapshot
  • Rwanda - NPS Snapshot
  • Zambia - NPS Snapshot
  • Uganda - NPS Snapshot
  • Tanzania - NPS Snapshot
  • Payments Outlook by Country
  • Summary - Module 7
  • Assessment - Module 7 - Africa NPS Snapshot
  • Module 8 - Method of Payments
  • Method of Payments
  • Cash - Methods of Payments
  • Cheques - Methods of Payments
  • Cards - Methods of Payments
  • Other Payment Instruments
  • Summary - Module 8
  • Assessment - Module 8 - Method of Payments
  • Module 9 - Issuing
  • Issuing - Card Payments
  • Card Issuing - Global and Regional Card Payment Schemes
  • Credit Card Processing - Institutional Roles
  • Summary - Module 9
  • Assessment - Module 9 - Issuing
  • Module 10 - Merchant Acquiring
  • Card / Merchant Acquiring
  • Merchant Acquiring
  • Payments and the Business of Merchant Acquiring
  • Chargebacks and Refunds
  • How Electronic Payments Work
  • Summary - Module 10
  • Assessment - Module 10 - Merchant Acquiring
  • Module 11 - Payment Compliance & Security
  • Compliance - Issuing
  • How EMV CHIP Cards are Made
  • Compliance - Card Acquiring
  • Objectives of PCI Compliance
  • The Evolution of Secure Authentication
  • What is PCI-DSS
  • Security: Tokenisation
  • Summary - Module 11
  • Assessment - Module 11 - Payments Compliance & Security
  • Module 12 - Payment Channels
  • Payment Channel - EFT POS
  • POS Evolution
  • Payment Channel - ATMs
  • How ATMs work
  • ATM Characteristics
  • Payment Channel - Merchant Replenish ATMs
  • Summary - Module 12
  • Assessment - Module 12- Payment Channels
  • Module 13 - Fees, Costs and Charges
  • Fees, Cost and Charges - An Introduction
  • 3 Party Model
  • 4 Party Model
  • All Party Payment Models
  • Interchange Fees
  • Summary - Module 13
  • Assessment - Module 13 - Fees, Costs & Charges
  • Module 14 - Emerging Payments
  • Fintech (R)Evolution
  • Digital Payments Evolution
  • Remittance Payments
  • Push Payments
  • East Africa Remittance Payments
  • Digitised Remittances
  • Mobile Payments
  • Mobile Money
  • eWallets
  • Mobile Payments Replacing Cash
  • Mobile Payments at Work
  • Apple Pay vs. Samsung Pay vs. Google Pay - Which is best?
  • Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)
  • eCommerce
  • Understanding Online Payments
  • East Africa - eCommerce Challenges, Strategies and Payment Gateways
  • Trusted Payment Brands
  • Digital Banks
  • Payment Processors
  • Open Banking
  • Virtual Currencies
  • Digital Currency vs Cryptocurrency
  • Bitcoin vs Banking System
  • Block Chain and Payment Systems
  • Evolution of Blockchain
  • Enabling the New Payments Ecosystems
  • Global Trends Shaping Payments
  • East African Fintech Company Profiles
  • Summary - Module 14
  • Assessment - Module 14 - Emerging Payments
  • Course Evaluation & Reference List
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever